Heartland Church Discipleship Curriculum

At Heartland Church we follow a "wireless" model of discipleship. What that means is rather than go through a book or workbook in sequence, we offer all our lessons up front to start and go as God leads. We believe it is important to connect with all the content. We also believe that the path God has you on may be different.
Here are the wins for discipleship:
1. You become more like Jesus today than you were yesterday. The only two people we compare ourselves to us who we were yesterday (where we came from) and who Jesus is (where we are going).
2. To help you build habits and disciplines that connect the Gospel to real life. I'm saved, now what. The rubber of the Gospel wheel needs to hit the road. There are five areas of discipleship that we focus on to make this happen. It's the wheel diagram that you will see.
3. That you disciple someone else as someone else has disciples you. The mission of the church is to make disciples. Everyone needs to take part in that. To learn, grow, and show the amazing life we can have in Christ.
Where do I start?
- If you are here looking on how to start discipling someone, I suggest listening in on our podcast The Flannel Graph Show to learn how to make disciples.
- If you are exploring the Christian life, I would start with Why Christianity or find someone who will walk with you as you explore the Christian life and learn how to live it.
We are making this page live so people are used to the layout and see where things are. As each area becomes available will the title will be a link to that content.
(Building) - Lessons are written and being process to go online soon.
(Planning) - Lessons being developed.
(Live) - Lessons for this area are now available.
(New) - Newer lessons added within the last month for that area.

The hope is to add 2-3 lessons per month to our curriculum. The lessons are intentionally small to allow for conversation. They will have a brief video to introduce the topic, a study guide to walk through with conversation questions with your mentor, and suggestions for next steps.

"The spokes" of the discipleship Wheel

Why Christianity? (Building)

These lessons focus on objections people may have to Christianity, the Gospel, and how those things come together. It also focuses on a biblical world view.

Pursue God (Building)

Helping you build a relationship with God because of what Jesus did.

Find Victory (Planning)

By trusting that Jesus gives us victory over our sin and challenges you face; each day you need a next step to being more like Jesus today than we were yesterday.

Live Intentionally (Planning)

You need to be intentional about sharing who Jesus is, and you need to be intentional to bless others the way God designed you to serve.

Spirit lead (Planning)

You receive the Holy Spirit the moment you accept Christ. He guides, protects, and leads you to live the Christian life.
The Flannel Graph Show is our podcast devoted to training you how to make disciples.